If you are experience flu symptoms, you must reschedule .
If you have come in contact with someone who has tested positive, you must reschedule 2 weeks from infection date .
At this time there is no waiting area, Please wait in your car , I will text you when you are permitted to come into the salon
You MUST wear a mask
Kids must wear masks from start to finish and are not permitted to remove the mask
I will ONLY be taking VENMO, cash app, check or cash payments ; no contact pay only.
For my long services, Please bring your own form of entertainment, a book or phone , as we, at this time are not permitted reading material, menus, etc.
There is free testing In Oregon , I am advice you ask you to get tested, testing take minutes from your car.
The retail for product will be at my each of our stations. We are asking that you do not pick up and grab what’s at our station. If you would like to purchase , I will grab the product for you.
1 Please be prepared to be scanned with a none contact thermometer .
New schedule
Wednesday 9-6
Thursday 9-6
Friday 9-6
Saturday 9-6